Friday, September 07, 2007

Hurricane Felix

I got a few questions if I or any of my friends were affected by Hurricane Felix that passed through the eastern coast of Nicaragua and parts of Honduras. Luckily, no one I know was affected. I am on the western coast of Nicaragua and the hurricane never passed here. Peace Corps Nicaragua doesn´t have any volunteers on the east coast (for security and logistical reasons) so there were no Peace Corps Nicaragua volunteers were involved. Some volunteers in the northern Nicaragua border areas were evacuated as a precautionary measure but the hurricane did not end up passing through there.

The northeastern Nicaraguan coast was hit pretty bad as well as parts of Honduras. Since I don´t have a television or recieve the newspaper I get sometimes get unreliable information, but I´ve been told that 90% of the roofs in that region of Nicaragua were torn off in the storm. On Monday, my site Corinto, the biggest Nicaraguan port town on the Pacific, is doing a fundraising event to to support the relief effort in Puerto Cabezas, the biggest Nicaraguan port on the Atlantic. Hopefully, Puerto Cabezas, and the rest of the towns affected, will recieve the support they need to rebuild.

You can read (perhaps more reliable information) about the Hurricane Felix in this New York Times article sent to me by a friend:

1 comment:

Anna Sparks said...

Glad you are okay...