Saturday, February 17, 2007

Funny Shower Moment...

My posts have been sort of boring lately about my future placement and everything, so I thought I´d share something funny.

Hear in Nicaragua the power goes out frequently. It is caused by the over use of electricity and the system shuts down. Since the water pumps that allow us to have running water here are powered by electricity, when the power goes, so does the water. So the other day I had went running, and while I was gone, ¨se fue la luz¨, as they say when the power goes. So I was in dire need of a shower but yet there was no running water. Since this happens often, every Nicaraguan has a garbage barrel full of water in their bathroom. The idea is that when the house doesn't have running water you can still shower using a bucket and the water from the barrel.

So, I could still take a shower after the run, using the bucket and barrel, but in order to use the bathroom I would need a flashlight. Luckily, my lovely sister Laura gave me a headlamp as a birthday present before I left. I decided that a bucket shower is the absolute perfect use for the headlamp (except of course when I´m washing my hair). So there I was, naked in the pitch black bathroom, with a head lamp, scooping out small buckets of water onto myself trying to get myself clean. At one point during the ¨shower¨ I just started laughing by myself in the bathroom at how silly I must have looked with this headlamp on.

Ok, so maybe the story isn't that funny, but I couldn't help but think, ¨Oh, if my friends and family could see me now!¨.

Everything else with me is good. I have no class or meetings today and tomorrow so I am super excited to have some free time. I plan on visiting a nearby river tomorrow with some other trainees and some teenagers from our youth group. It should be a fun time since I´ll finally get to swim! Its so hot here but there really isn't any place to cool down until the nighttime.

I am about halfway done with my time here in Santa Teresa which is completely bizarre to me. Time has been moving fast year because they keep us so busy. Anyways, thanks for all the emails people have been sending me! I´ll try to send some hot weather up there if all of you will send some cold weather down here!


HarlemStudent said...

Congrats on getting halfway through training! It can be really tough dude but if you can start to see a light at the end of the tunnel now you are on your way. As far as bathing with a bucket is concerned you may do that for the next to years if you opt for a smaller site.

I trained in Santa Teresa the last cycle (Im Nica 42) and I lived with Doña Ana Francisca Cruz. I hope the best for you and perhaps Ill see you at the next AVC. Maybe youll even get one of those open spots in Chinandega. Were a tight crew and Carrie was a great volunteer to have for the visits.

Your spanish WILL get better bit by bit and in the three months that I have been in site I can say that Ive come along way. Hasta Luego.

Lucian (La Pavana, Somotillo, Chinandega)

Unknown said...

it is a very funny image of you paul!

Unknown said...

Hola Pablo,

It's great to hear that you are enjoying yourself so much. I hope that you keep having the opportunity to post so frequently and we can all keep track of your experiences. Keep including your funny stories as I was laughing out loud by myself reading your entries. Keep having fun. Best regards from the Lou.

Love ya man
Van Vliet

Anna Sparks said...

Good posts - keep it up. Interesting that you added a disclaimer - are you required to do that? I know that blogs are a big thing among PCVs now and Peace Corps has been monitoring them and trying to figure out how to keep themselves safe.