Wednesday, October 17, 2007

New House

So unfortunately I’m still stuck in a hotel wasting the hours away watching TV and using internet. The rain has calmed down a lot but the Peace Corps has still not allowed us to leave. The say a tropical storm is headed our way, but we’ll see if it actually shows up.

Anyways, since I have some extra time on my hands I figured I would write about the new house that I moved into. I feel like 50% of my blog entries are about me moving or my house, but I have been moving around a lot. Hopefully, this will be my last.

So I moved to a different house in Corinto a week and a half ago. With the evacuation thing I have only spent 5 nights there but I really like it so far. I enjoyed the old house I lived at but I always knew that I wasn’t going to stay there my whole two years. My old house was right in the center of town and not on a very residential street. I always knew I wanted to live in more of a neighborhood area and away from the chaos of the center of town. Also, the walls in my old house were paper thin and didn’t reach all the way to the ground, so I could hear EVERYTHING that my neighbors said and did. And I shared a shower and patio with my neighbor, so I lacked a lot of privacy. So in the past couple of months I have been casually looking for a new place to live.

My best friend here, Manuel, told me about a house that his mom owned in a neighborhood that I really like. He told me that the current tenant was going to move out soon and I would be able to move in. I decided I was ready to move and that this was good timing. So last weekend, I paid a guy $5 to come with his pick up truck and help me move my stuff from my old house to my new house. Moving wasn´t too difficult but it was a bit tiring. The day after I moved in a bought a few new things for my house including a CD player which is awesome to finally listen to my own music! (anyone that wants to send me interesting CDs, that would be great!)

The new house is about double the size of my old house. It has a really big living room when you walk in. Then I have a decently sized bedroom and an indoor kitchen and bathroom. My old house had a kitchen and bathroom in the patio so having it indoors is a big improvement (think bathroom trips in the rainy season, much better to not have to leave the house).

The other great thing about my new house is that I live really close to a lot of my students from my 6th grade classes. The classes have recently ended with them so I still get to hang out with them. Believe or not I really love hanging out with the 6th grade kids here. Before I came to Nicaragua, working with middle school kids was my nightmare, but these kids have won me over. Anyways, I live by these kids and a bunch of other kids since this is more of a residential family neighborhood. I wanted to live by a lot of teenagers because that is the population that I work with.

Anyways, overall I am really happy about the move. I have a mango and lime tree in my backyard which is pretty awesome to me. I´ll try to post pictures soon of my house and the neighborhood but since I am not currently in my house I cant take the pics. Soon though...

1 comment:

ecsloan said...

Hey Paul -

Congrats on the new place, it sounds very nice. I can't wait to see pictures. Does this mean that you have a new address? If so, can you post it? Hopefully dry weather is just around the corner.
Take care.