Sunday, October 21, 2007

Still here...

So I mentioned in my last blog that I was stuck in a hotel in Chinandega...

Well, thankfully they let us leave and go home on Wednesday. I went back and explained to everyone why I was absent for the previous 5 days and started to get myself settled back in. But of course, Saturday morning I receive a phone call telling me a tropical storm is coming towards Chinandega and that I have to head back to that same hotel. I was not happy about it but I grudgingly packed up and went. On the positive side I got to watch the Illinois vs. Michigan game last night. Although they lost, it was a fun game to watch and cool to see the pics of Memorial Stadium and Kams. Also, the hotel is going to do some of our laundry which is fantastic becuase we cant do our own laundry on account of the rain (and not really being home to be able to wash).

In other words, Im still in the hotel with nothing new to report. Hopefully the rains stops and the sun comes out so I can go home! (but not until after tonight so I can watch the Boston v. Cleveland game on cable tv!)

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