Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Pictures of Volcano Masaya and a Nica Bday

These are some fellow trainees from my group. They are standing at the edge of Volcano Masaya. The smoke in the background is sulfur from the active volcano. And yes, the guy second from the left is goofy. The guy in the green shirt is named Travis, he is going to be the closest person to me from our group when we get to our sites. He will be in the city of Chinandega (where I visited for my volunteer visit) which is about a half hour away from Corinto.
So this picture is a little wierd but I thought I´d include it because I thought it was funny. These are two of my good friends from the group, Jonathon and Brian. Let me explain what they are doing. In spanish, there is no word for awkward. You can say incomodo, but really that just means uncomfortable which our training group doesnt think accurately describes awkward situations. So since we are foreigners living in a strange land with a new family, we have awkwards moments nearly everyday, if not multiple times per day (for example, when the toliet doesnt flush randomly and you need your host family to help you solve that problem, or you confuse the spanish word for gay and mattress, colchon vs. cochon, i think you can see the possibilities for awkwardness with those two words). So one trainee know sign language and told us the ¨sign¨ in sign language for awkward. The sign is holding out two fingers, and waving them up and down. So basically during conversations, during lectures, or any time we are together, we use the gesture a lot to describe our super awkward feelings. I hope you guys can appreciate the humor in that...
The girl in the middle with the long hair was the birthday girl. She is my ¨host-cousin¨and her name is Windy (and the answer to your question is: her mom thought the name was pretty). This was at my ¨host aunt´s¨house where I hang out a lot because it is next door to my house.
That is my nephew, Carlito trying to take down the pinata. I call him my nephew only because he calls me his uncle. So cute, I know. For you spanish speakers, he actually calls me: Pabliiiito, mi ti-iiiiiiito. And yes I am going to miss him immensely when I have to leave that site.
That is my host sister trying to take down the pinata. All the kids were waiting super anxiously to charge the candy and money that falls from it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Carlito is adorable. Que precioso!